Tuesday, March 22, 2011

British Culture And Traditions

By: Dominic Donaldson
Where would we be without our Woo Woos, Manhattans and our Cosmopolitans. We would probably be in a world without bar equipment which would mean no pubs, clubs, bars, ice or cold beverages. In short it would be bedlam. The British culture is to a certain extent a drinking culture. There will be many ministers and health endorsed celebrity icons that might reprimand me for saying that but it is the truth.

I saw a legendary stand up comedian perform at the Edinburgh festival a couple of years ago and he brought the point home in excellent directness. After the 7-7 bombings where more than 50 people tragically lost their lives what was the British response? What was the response of the great capital? Was it to run and hide, panic and start looting or write a letter to our local MP? No, we did the stock British response in times of crisis: we went to the pub.

There were landlords giving away free drinks and people who were stranded from the lack of transport stopping into the pub to share their horror and disbelief. Work days were cancelled and entire offices inundated the London bar scene which eventually led to the horror of the situation being transformed into a defiant show of national unity, getting drunk. This was to show the cowardly men who did this that it would take more than this to scare the Brits.

The comedian's interpretation was interesting and heart warming. Although the fact that so many people had lost their lives in such a senseless attack if you calculated the amount of people in London at around 8 million plus and even 10% of those going to the pub would be just shy of one million. Out of that one million a certain amount of people would have become inebriated and due to the heightened sense of excitement might have let their inhibitions slip.

From that amount of people a certain amount may well have conceived when dealing with the massive numbers we are talking about. This would mean that from their attacked the terrorists would have had the opposite effect, actually creating more lives and uniting an entire city. This would not have happened in any other place apart from Britain due to our culture and this is not possible without bar equipment.

Bar equipment provides us with many outlets for our nationally preferred social activity and the industry is a lucrative one with many wholesalers operating online. Bar equipment ranges from bar fabrication to drinks blenders, display fridges and ice machines. Our culture would certainly not be the same without bar equipment to provide us with the outlet me need even in the face of adversity.(From Isnare.com)

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